Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

The hardest thing about blogging for me is not being a self-loathing bitch. I mean look at me, I've got no job and I've got no cash. My dreams are about eating pizza and lobster all day, or perhaps lounging on a tropical beach where no one would notice my buddha belly in a bikini.

I am also easily amused. So if I do get in a rut I just need to poke around on the internet for a few moments, or chase the cat. I'm just asking you all to bear with me. I promise that I will do my best to stay witty, crabby, cynical, snide, snarky, snappy but not completely bitter and hateful. Hopefully you can all roll with that. And if you can put up with that maybe you would be willing to pay for my dream vacation? Hey it was worth a shot...