Why do people give me a look of horror when I ask them if they think it's wrong for me to spend my unemployment money on a Wii fit? One person that was questioned responded that Obama certainly would not approve of me wasting my funds on something so materialistic. I happen to disagree, I think Obama would fully approve of me making the purchase. First of all, the Wii is Obama approved, if he was against the Wii he would have not bought Malia and Sasha one for Christmas. I think Obama would be proud that I would want to be getting in shape even though I could probably do the same activities outside. The White House has a bowling alley in it, yet Obama would rather play Wii bowling. Besides my theory is that if I make the investment of purchasing the Wii fit I can get in shape, boost my confidence and garner a high paying respectable job that I deserve, and spend my free time giving to charity. The only drawback that I can think of is knowing that the Wii Fit is going to call me a fat ass and tell me to get into shape.
PS since we have had cable internet installed my unpacking productivity has gone down to a big fat ZERO!
you're funny. I like you.